
My Experience in Andheri, Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh

Himachal is a Northern state
of India. It is also known to abundant beauty of nature. When I was came in to Andheri which
is located in Sirmour district Himachal Pradesh.  I was only
thinking about their livelihood and how they are farming. After that I
started  to visit some villages  like Ranfua, Jabrog,  Malandochi,
we met several  peoples in to village and try to understand  and know
about  the whole situation  of  their life. It was very
difficult to living on the hill. They are facing many problems. The main communities
are Bhramins, Rajputs, Koli and dalits. The major spoken language include Hindi,
Dongari, Kangari and Pahadi.  The major source of livelihood is
agriculture. Agriculture is the main source of income  and
employments  in village. Maize, wheat and rice are only crops. Potato
and ginger are only the cash crops.

They have very small lands, which is
cultivated very small scale. There are very few persons employed in
organization sectors. The people of villages are very kind person. They
don’t know us but who met us in road or house they said Namaste
it was great feeling for me. One day we met dalit community’s women. They
are very poor and they are struggling for basic needs. But they make tea,
and lunch for us it was special feeling for us because they
don’t know us but they make tea and lunch for us. I am thankful to them.
Many problems of this region are Inter caste system, superstition,
education, water facilities, and irrigation facilities.

The people have no support of Panchayat. It was
very bad thing for their development. And the most of the students are
drop out their school because of their economic condition was not
good. It creates the negative effect in Society. And
another is social and religious beliefs are dominating on
law and justice. One of the bad examples is KHUMBHLI PRATHA.

PAPN NGO is the only hope for people of this region for
their awareness development and empowerment. It was such a new and wonderful
experience for me.
  Sultan Bhusara 
(MDC, Gujarat University)

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