Statutory Status & Profile

Legal and Statutory Status of the Organisation:

Registered under the Societies Registration Act-1860 (Act-XXI)

Registration No: 3002/83; dated 16 February, 1983

Registered by the Registrar of Societies, H.P. Government, Shimla

Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act-1976

Registration No: 182520007; dated 29 March, 1988

Registered by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Registered under the Income Tax Act-1961 (under section 12A)

Registration: AAATP0784EE20214; dated 28 May, 2021

Registered under the Income Tax Act-1961 (under section 80G)

Registration: AAATP0784EF20214; dated 28 May, 2021

PAN of the Organisation under Income Tax Act is: AAATP0784E

TAN Number of the Organisation under Income Tax Act is: PTLP13556E

Registered under the Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act-1952

PF Code: HP-6244; dated 3 February, 2009

Registered by the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Shimla

Registered with Niti Aayog, Government of India

Darpan ID: HP/2016/0099831

Registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India

Registration No: CSR00008933; dated 16 June, 2021

Registered by the Registrar of Companies, Government of India

Introduction and Background of the Organisation:

People’s Action for People in Need [PAPN] is a non-profit rural based Voluntary Organization. It was established in the year 1982 by a group of young professionals from different walks of life. PAPN is the outcome of the idea to undertake and organise rural development, education, awareness and organisational programmes for socio-economic upliftment of the marginalised, deprived and oppressed sections of the rural and hilly communities leading to their empowerment. PAPN with initial financial support from Social Work and Research Centre [SWRC] Tilonia, Rajasthan, now known as the Barefoot College, started the interventions at the grass root level by adopting the Sangrah and Shillai Development Blocks of Sirmour District – one of the least developed, inaccessible and remote areas of the State – for working with the local communities. Currently PAPN is engaged in Livelihood Project for the marginalised communities in Trans-Giri region of Sirmour since 2006 with support from Action Aid India, running the Child Help Line in Sirmour since March, 2013 in collaboration with the Childline Foundation of India and ensuring the Child Rights Project with support from CRY-Child Rights and You from October, 2011. PAPN is presently working in Sirmour and Solan Districts of Himachal Pradesh and Panchkula of Haryana.

Aims and Objectives of the Organisation:

The aims and objectives of PAPN as laid down in the Memorandum of Association and the Constitution of the Organisation are generally to promote all aspects of voluntary efforts, in evolving and developing an integrated approach, to solve the problems of developing rural communities and provide facilities for the community development of backward areas and provide adequate incentives to attract educated youths to rural development services and to undertake research work to identify the socio-economic problems and their solutions and in furtherance to the above objects;

  1. to establish and maintain a Project and branches thereof for rural development in different parts as may be decided by the Governing Body of the Organisation,
  2. to undertake all or any agricultural, medical, educational and other developmental and social welfare services conducive to the aims and objects of the Organisation on “no-profit-no-loss” basis,
  3. to undertake socio-economic programmes for the weaker sections of the community with special emphasis on women and child development,
  4. to supplement the government programmes and services and seek effective public participation in planning and implementation of various developmental activities related to the aims of the Organisation,
  5. to encourage university graduates and students to become aware of rural problems and to utilise their knowledge and services and thereby lessen the gap between the intelligentsia and rural communities,
  6. to disseminate information regarding the aims, objectives and other activities of the Organisation, to edit, print, publish, exhibit books and pamphlets and maintain libraries etc., organise seminars bearing upon the aims of the Organisation,
  7. to undertake the management and execution of all or any of the objectives of the Organisation,
  8. to assist and to take assistance from and collaboration with institutions/agencies with similar activities in India or elsewhere,
  9. to employ persons for carrying out the functions of the Organisation,
  10. to acquire and dispose off property in furtherance of the aims of the Organisation and
  11. to do all other lawful things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Organisation.

Goal and Vision-Mission of the Organisation:

People’s Action for People in Need is formed in the year 1982 by a group of young professionals from different walks of life. It is outcome of the idea to organize and aware the marginalised communities including women and children for their socio-economic development and empowerment. In June 1985 we started our journey with support from Social Work and Research Center Tilonia – now known as Barefoot College – at the grass root level by adopting Sangrah and Shillai Development Blocks of Sirmour District – one of the least developed, inaccessible and remote areas of the State – for working with the marginalised communities. The vision of PAPN is a society based on equality and social justice without any sort of discrimination, oppression and injustice. The mission of PAPN is the socio-economic development/ empowerment of women, children and the marginalised and deprived sections of the communities.

Nature of the Organisation’s work and its operating Model:

We are engaged in awareness building, strengthening education, training and capacity building of the communities groups, community mobilization/organisation and providing and activating the services. Our focus is on collective community approach with active involvement and participation of all stake holders including the beneficiaries, the local community, PRIs and the duty bearers. Our each programme is coordinated, guided and supported by the concerned Project Coordinator with support of the respective project Teams including the volunteers. We are primarily working and engaged with women, children and the marginalised communities.

The Communities groups- beneficiaries and our supporters:

Our all programme and interventions are implemented with support of the concerned project community. Our primary target groups or beneficiaries are women, children and the marginalised communities. We believe in the collective community approach in realizing our objectives and goals. We implement our programme and deliver our services through the community based groups formed, promoted and activated by our organization. In terms of financial and professional support, our Organisation is collaborating with Action Aid Association, CRY-Child Rights and You, Childline India Foundation, IIMPACT and JAGORI Rural Charitable Trust, Himachal Pradesh.

The operational/work areas of our Organisation:

The primary area of our organisational interventions is Trans-Giri region of Sirmour District of Himachal Pradesh. We also have our Projects in Baddi Industrial areas of Solan District and in urban settlements of Panchkula in Haryana. Presently we are directly reaching out to over 200 villages of 6 Development Blocks of Sirmour District, 10 villages of BBNDA Baddi of Solan District of Himachal Pradesh and 2 urban settlements/slums of Panchkula District of Haryana.

A few achievements of the Organisation over the past 5 years:

The socio-economic empowerment of over 300 women through agro based income generation activities. 227 Child Marriages were prevented and 37 domestic violence cases of women were resolved besides supporting 30 girls of single parents to pursue their education beyond High School. Main streaming of over 550 non school going and drop out children. 300 girls are aware of their body menstrual periods and hygiene health and gender discrimination. The quality of primary education and the learning skills of over 400 girls is being improved and strengthen. The Computer education is being used as a tool to empower over 1000 students, especially girls for their personality development and enhancing their life skills in Government Schools. The strengthening of 20 neighborhood Child Parliament in 20 villages. Also Provided COVID-19 relief to over 4000 Shramiks families by way of providing dry ration kits, preventive medical kits and support.

Our on-going Programmes and Interventions:

The brief description of our present/ ongoing programmes and activities are given in the following table;

ProgrammeLocationYear of StartSupporting AgencyPresent Status
Child Rights Project for Holistic Development of ChildrenKharak Mangoli and Bhainsa-Tibba of Panchkula  October 2011CRY- Child Rights and You, New DelhiOn- going/ Continuing
Child Helpline SirmourDistrict Sirmour at NahanMarch 2013Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India through Childline India Foundation  On- going/ Continuing
National Inclusive Child Parliament20 villages of Sangrah TehsilJanuary 2016Nine is Mine through Pratyek, New DelhiOn- going/ Continuing  
Girl Child Education ProjectBBNDA, Baddi, District SolanMarch 2018Action Aid Association, New DelhiOn- going/ Continuing  
Girl Child Education Learning Centers15 villages of Paonta TehsilAugust 2019IIMPACT, GurugramOn- going/ Continuing  
Digital Financial Inclusion for Youths350 Youths of Sirmour, Baddi and PanchkulaFebruary 2022Barefoot College InternationalOn- going/ Continuing  

About our current major Donors/Funders:

In the journey of 37 years of change and transformation in Trans-Giri region of Himachal Pradesh, we cannot commemorate without citing the support of our generous donors. We observed change and it bolstered our commitment to a larger goal. Since our inception, we have the support of Government as well as Non Governmental donor agencies. Presently, four major donor agencies are assisting us in carrying forward the torch of change and transformation in hill regions. We are witnessing the impact of our work we started a long time and we are hopeful for significant change in upcoming years. Presently, we are funding by these donors agencies – Action Aid Association, CRY-Child Rights and You, Ministry of Women and Child Development (GOI) through Childline India Foundation and IIMPACT Gurugram.

Numbers of the Team Members/Social Workers/Staff of the Organisation:

Full Time – 19 and Part-time Staff Strength – 15