
Child Parliament” Develop Children for Change the Society”

Parliament workshop at PAPN, Andheri.

A 3 Days workshop was held at PAPN
Sangrah from 11– 11 -2017 to 13-11-2017.  Resource person was Mr. Joseph Rathinam from
Tamil Nadu. Children came from different Panchayats for 3 day’s workshop with
the expectation to learn something new at PAPN as always. PAPN has already
started Baal Panchayats in few Panchayats of Sirmour many years back, where
children discuss their local issues and try to solve them on their own.
The Concept & Motive of Children’s
The concept of Children’s parliament is quite similarto Baal Panchayats,
which is enrolling children from villages or cities in Children’s parliament
and solve local problems. It’s basically a group of children from the age of
6-18 years, here all of them will be ministers. These children will lead the
children’s parliament and make their society a better place to live in.
Children’s parliament is also about building leadership among children from
childhood is one of the reason for starting this parliament.

A Glimpse of
3 Day’s Workshop
Day 1
3 day’s workshop started with the
ice- breaking session. Then resource person Mr. Joseph briefed about the
concept of Children’s parliament and how a children parliament will look like.
Children from different panchayats also shared their experiences of working in
Baal Sansad/Panchayats. Some of them have re-admitted school dropouts and other
started a rally to get a special bus in their area for school or college
students as they used to suffer a lot.

Day 2
The next day children quite opened up,
Mr. Joseph explained the role and responsibility of every minister in the
children’s parliament. He also told how Children’s parliament will be held in
every Panchayat. Starting from the welcoming note to vote of thanks. There is a
format for conducting the parliament, so it becomes easy for everyone to
discuss their issues and work on that later. After explaining the roles and
responsibilities and format for conducting the session students were asked to
give a demonstration. The session was quite interesting as the resource person
moderated it and helped them to head in the right direction. There were so many
games/physical activitiesinvolved to keep these children interested in the

Day 3
On the last day these was a session
with Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM)Sangrah where some other schools were also
invited. Children gave a presentation on sustainable development which was
later appreciated by SDMSangrah Mr. Jeevan Singh Negi .
SDM spoke about the relevance of children’s parliament and said he is happy to
support this at any cost.

Mr. Joseph also presented some data
about different children’s parliament in the country and the issues they have
raised and solved so far. The session ended on a good note, where children from
different villages gave a demonstration how they will conduct the parliament
back in their respective villages. This was appreciated by all.

Sumitra Sharma


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