
Every action is important in whole life

action is important in whole life:

I am Sunpa Devi 70 years old woman of Manal-Dochi
village of Sangrah block. In this village 90% dalits are living in 28
households. I have one room house which is made by stone and wood. There are
nine members in my family. My son, daughter in law and six their children are
living in this house. My son can’t do any work because of knee problem and her
daughter in law has to work at home and at their land. Because of this
situation they are all depended on agriculture in hilly area where water
availability is very poor. Agriculture is based on rain. I visited in the Panchayat
many times for support. But all the efforts were in vain. At last I shared my
problem with PAPN volunteers.

PAPN volunteer identified the 13 dalit persons
which are not getting the entitlements. They met with Deputy Commissioner of Sirmour
regarding their problem. People also met with member of the State Legislative Assembly
Member of Renuka Constituency. He marked their application to District Welfare Officer
and after three month my house is sanctioned by welfare department. I got the
first installment of 37,500 out of 75,000 in April 2017. After completion of
house I will be getting the 2nd installment of 37,500.Now my family is
very happy to get this support. We are now collecting the house material wood,
stone etc for making a new house. In future our family children get the
separate space for their studies. In this like me 13 other person got the
housing rights with the support of Action aid and PAPN. Thanks for all which
are working for poor and dalit community development.

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